Fake Selections And Insertions

Rhino Editor has a couple of utilities for having “fake” insertions and selections.

You’ll notice as of v0.14.0 when you move focus to the link dialog inputs, the editor will either show a fake insertion cursor, or show a fake selection “box” around the currently selected text.

There’s also a fake cursor used for inline code blocks courtesy of the Codemark Plugin

The CSS for these fake selections comes directly from "rhino-editor/exports/styles/trix.css".

However, some people may not use this because it can be overly opinionated. Fake selections / cursors can also be added to a CSS file via:

@import "rhino-editor/exports/styles/rhino-editor.css"

or from a JavaScript file:

import "rhino-editor/exports/styles/rhino-editor.css"